Doctors deserve pensions too
What we can do
Below you will find contact details for Jennifer Porayko. Jen has helped a number of physicians navigate the pension set-up process. You can view her as a "pension concierge".
What we do not do
Jen will not recommend a pension to you. She can put you in touch with pension setup experts and then she will help you assemble the paperwork. Jen will work for you. She is not our employee but she is of course Lorne's wife. Further she helped Lorne set up his own plan so she definitely "knows the ropes".
Why do we do this
We believe, in the right circumstances, a pension plan can be an enormous benefit for a self-employed individual. While we would love you to invest part of your plan in our funds, there is no obligation or requirement to do so. Further none of us (Lorne, Jen, Tim or McElvaine Investment Mgmt) receive any referral fees or compensation from any of the pension experts.
Next steps
If you are interested in learning a bit more, please reach out to Jen directly at